Becoming a Member

We welcome you to IINLP

Who is a member of IINLP

Anyone who has at least any one of the following credentials can be a member of IINLP

  • Anyone who has earned an NLP Qualification (Foundation / Practitioner / Masters / Trainer to Master Trainer ) from an IINLP accredited trainer and has paid his one time membership fee.
  • Anyone who is accredited as a Trainer or a Coach from IINLP and has paid his accreditation fee for the current year.

Are you qualified?

If you have earned a qualification from an IINLP accredited trainer then he/she will automatically notify us. Most accredited trainers offer a free 3 months membership to you along with any IINLP accredited program certificate. You can ask your trainer of details.

If you have an existing NLP, Coaching, or Leadership qualification and you did not take the training from an IINLP accredited trainer, then you may still be eligible to join the IINLP and an initial joining fee will apply.

Membership Levels

Currently, IINLP offers the following Accreditation Structure

All Accredited members receive a unique IINLP code that they can print on their certificated with the assigned IINLP LOGO. This code number can sent for verification by clicking here.

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