Member’s Pledge

The IINLP Pledge

pledgeAs a IINLP member & being a NLP trainer, practitioner, therapist or coach, I agree to honour my ethical obligations to my NLP training, practice, therapy or coaching clients and colleagues, and to the public at large.

I pledge to comply with IINLP Code of Ethics, to treat people with dignity as independent and equal human beings, and to model these standards with those whom I work with.

If  I breach this Pledge of Ethics or any part of the IINLP Code of Ethics, I agree that the IINLP in its sole discretion may hold me accountable for my actions.

I further agree that my accountability to the IINLP for any breach may include loss of my INLP membership and credentials.

As members of IINLP, we promise to

  • conduct ourselves in ways that reflects ethically on NLP training, practice, therapy or coaching; and would not do anything that negatively impacts the public’s understanding or acceptance of NLP practice, training or coaching as a profession.
  • honour agreements we make in all of my relationships. We will create clear agreements with our clients that may include confidentiality, progress reports, and other required elements.
  • respect and honour the efforts and contributions of all others.
  • respect the creative effort in developing content by others by creating own content and training material.
  • respect copyrights, trademarks and intellectual property rights
  • accurately identify my level of practice, training & coaching competence and will not overstate our coaching or NLP qualifications, expertise or experience.
  • will ensure that our client understands the nature of NLP training, practice, therapy or coaching and the terms of the training and coaching agreement.
  • will not intentionally mislead or make false claims about what our client will receive from the our NLP training, practice, therapy or coaching process.
  • will not give our clients or any prospective clients, information or advice we know to be misleading or beyond our NLP training, practice, therapy or coaching competence.
  • will be alert to noticing if our client is no longer benefiting from our NLP training, practice, therapy or coaching relationship and would be better served by another practitioner or by another resource and, at that time, we will encourage our client to make that change.
  • will always practice in a manner that is non-discriminatory.
  • will seek to avoid conflicts between my interests and the interests of clients.
  • will not enter into an intimate or personal relationship with  clients.

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