
IINLP (Integrated Institute of Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is committed to ethical practices in the field on NLP.

The objective of the IINLP – (Institute of Integrated Neuro-Linguistic Programming), a global standards association for NLP Coaches & Trainers is to endorse ethical and professional NLP coaches, trainers and organisations.

We offer accreditations on three different levels to NLP professionals and organisations. We understand that different people have trained differently and so have a flexible approach to membership.

The purpose of IINLP is to facilitate the endorsement & accreditation of NLP professionals & organisations around the world in the ethical and professional use of NLP through the standardization and continual improvement of the NLP accreditation process.

IINLP is aware of the ethical issues facing NLP accrediting bodies today. Our position & purpose is to only endorse individuals and training organisations that offer legitimate NLP skills and personal growth opportunities to their clients.

Levels of Accreditation

IINLP endorses NLP trainers and programs on two different levels. We call it the IINLP Silver Seal Level and the IINLP Gold Seal Level.


The IINLP Silver Seal is provided to IINLP member trainers and programs who have gone through our Silver level accreditation process. This process involves detailed checking and validation of certifications of trainers, program details and experience of professionals involved.

A IINLP Silver Seal Accredited Trainer can use the silver logo along with his Membership Unique Identification Number on the certification he offers to program attendees. He/She can also use it in the promotions, program brochures, certified website and his resume..

A IINLP Silver Seal Accredited NLP Program must be managed and trained by a IINLP Silver Seal Accredited Trainer only.  IINLP allows to use this seal only after in-depth analysis on the program content & details.


iinlp-gold-logoIINLP Gold Seal

The IINLP Gold Seal is provided to IINLP member trainers and programs who have gone through our Silver level accreditation process and additionally getting the feedback from clients verified via IINLP. This process involves detailed checking & validation of certifications of trainers, program details and experience of professionals involved. This also involves verification of trainer, coach and/or program feedback from clients and participants.

IINLP Gold Seal Accredited Trainer can use the gold logo along with his Membership Unique Identification Number on the certification he offers to program attendees. He/She can also use it in the promotions, program brochures, certified website and his resume..

IINLP Gold Seal Accredited NLP Program must be managed and trained by a IINLP Gold Seal Accredited Trainer only.  IINLP allows to use this seal only after in-depth analysis on the program content, details and verifying program feedback.

The IINLP Griffin Logo, The IINLP Silver Seal and IINLP Gold Seal are registered and copyright logos and symbols of IINLP. Any misuse of these and any use without proper permission would be strictly dealt in the court of law worldwide. 

Validation of IINLP Silver Seal and IINLP Gold Seal

All valid members will be assigned a IINLP Unique Identification Number which will be compulsorily used with the seal logo. This UID can be used for validation by clicking here.

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